Inside – OUT!
I didn’t know it was in me to play guitar. Though I have a great deal to learn yet, I am growing as a musician everyday. Needless to say, I’ve had to practice. A lot. At first, my fingers would hurt so badly as I was getting used to the strings. I would repeatedly stop playing for days or weeks at a time because of the pain and discomfort. Every time, I picked the guitar back up, I would have to go through the pain of rebuilding my calluses all over again. Finally, the day came when I wanted to play music badly enough to keep pressing those strings day after day in spite of the pain.
I feel like I’m going through a similar process as I long to consistently yield the fruit of the Spirit. My current struggle is with patience and self control. However, the Word of God tells me that, as His child and joint heir with Christ, God has given me all things that pertain unto life and godliness (2 Peter 1:3). So, I know it’s in me, even though I’m not always seeing it. I have it. I just need to exercise it. Rather, I need to cooperate with the Holy Spirit to put those things into practice. I need to allow patience to work even when it’s uncomfortable. Well… especially when it’s uncomfortable! I need to exercise self control when it’s hard to keep my mouth closed, and it hurts. When I feel the Holy Spirit pressing on the strings of my heart, impressing upon me to do the uncomfortable thing, I am learning to opt out of taking the easy way out — the unfruitful way — and allow him to refine me, retune me, so that I produce his new, sweet, sound in my life. Eventually, I will become immune to the pain, and the song God put inside me will flow out naturally and joyfully as I mature in Him, from one level of surrender to the next.
What talents or areas of gifting are you working to develop?
What fruit is God maturing in your life?
What advice can you give on how to excavate the beautiful treasures hidden within us so they bring glory to God and bless others?